
Its 44 days until Greece or Glekland like we prefer to say. Jenny and I booked the trip probably two months ago. We have talked about traveling for a while now and one day as we were sitting in my kitchen with a cup of Joe we decided to just book it. It’s been a tough year in so many ways and we thought a week in the sun with tzatziki and umbrella drinks was well deserved.

Pauline, one of the funniest people I’ve ever met, mentioned a few times in the past week that she too wanted to go to Glekland and as of today a third ticked is booked and she is coming with us.

The countdown continues. Tick tock tick tock

Postat av: Pauli

Wiiiiiiiie! Sa jävla mycket bra det kommer bli! Fina trio i fin, fina Glekland, hur mycket bla kan inte det bli??? Saaaa loligt! My lovely girls! <3

2011-04-27 @ 00:31:31
Postat av: Jen

wiiiie Glekland! :) Vi får vina någon dag och beställa i tax-free katalogen!!!

2011-04-27 @ 00:57:12

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