Free Pastry Day
Since I was off yesterday to get all the immigration stuff done I had to work today. Took Syd to school this morning and then headed over to Starbucks for a cup of coffee.
I had gotten an email from Starbucks earlier this week about a Free Pastry Day. If you came in a bought a cup of coffee before 10.30 you got a free pastry, but you had to print a coupon. Not owning a printer I didn’t do this and therefore didn’t care what time I went to Starbucks. I went to some stores first and I even went home for a few minutes. When I got there the girls behind the counter happily announced that it was free pastry day and I could pick anything I wanted (it was past 10.30). How can you say no to a cookie? I got a Very Berry Crumb Cake and a coffee and went to sit down. Starbucks was packed and I understand why. I stayed there for a while, enjoyed my treats and wrote a 4 page long letter to my brother.
Syd is now snoozing in my bed and I’m going to lean back on the couch and close my eyes for a few minutes.
Hej Du är bara för härlig Kram mamma