I think I've mistaken you for somebody else

I’m back in Sweden and I'm not really sure I feel more relaxed then before I left but it was definitely nice going away.

We left early Thursday morning and spent a few hours sitting at Espresso House at the airport because the plane was delayed. Once we got to Greece the heat hit us in the face and we threw our bags in the room, went down to the store for something to drink and then spent the rest of the day by the pool.
The week pretty much continued in the same pattern: Pool, bar, shopping, dinner, music and drinks on the balcony.

I’m not gonna say I came home with a great tan, but atleast I had a good time and to me that's all that matters.


Its 44 days until Greece or Glekland like we prefer to say. Jenny and I booked the trip probably two months ago. We have talked about traveling for a while now and one day as we were sitting in my kitchen with a cup of Joe we decided to just book it. It’s been a tough year in so many ways and we thought a week in the sun with tzatziki and umbrella drinks was well deserved.

Pauline, one of the funniest people I’ve ever met, mentioned a few times in the past week that she too wanted to go to Glekland and as of today a third ticked is booked and she is coming with us.

The countdown continues. Tick tock tick tock

Happy but still so sad

It’s been a few days and lots have changed. I live in a new country without my husband, speaking a different language and trying to get in to a 6 hour time difference. Tough but at the same time very exciting. I miss Mike horribly but since we live in 2010 there is plenty of ways for us to communicate.

After weeks of packing and repacking I finally had my two suitcases packed to the fullest without going over the 50lb weight limit.  Not an easy thing to do when you want to bring all your shoes, bags and clothes. Got to the airport around 5, checked in and took the air train to terminal 4 where me and Mike had a nice dinner at some fancy restaurant. Said our goodbyes, cried and hugged for the longest time before I had to go through security and Mike had to drive back home. I think this was one of the hardest things I have even gone through and I can’t wait to see my hubby again.

5 hours on a plane to Iceland with no sleep and an additionally 3 hours flight from Iceland to Denmark and my eyes were beat red when I arrived. I was greeted by my mom and my cute little nephew when I walked out of the airport. It was so nice seeing them again after 9 months away and we had lots to talk about and lots of hugs to share. Took a quiet night home just chatting with the family while eating good food before I headed to bed for a much needed night’s sleep. 

Outside our house for the last time

Waiting to check in at the airport

Massapequa Park

Went for a nice walk down in Massapequa after dinner tonight. Mikes boss had told him about a bike/hiking path that runs along a stream all the way down to the ocean. We didn’t walk all the way to the ocean but we did a good 45 minutes. For 3 years we have lived 10 minutes from the park and never known about it. You don’t always have to go far to experience something new.

An old bridge that led to nothing

Mike looking for turtles

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