I started over, again..
Didn't think anyone were still reading this blog but it sure looks like there are a few people still looking for an updated every now and then. Well I stopped blogging for a while since I felt I was extremely lazy about and I had nothing to write. I also feel like my English is getting worse and worse so I made a new blog, this time in Swedish :)
New York was my life for a long time, but Sweden is where I belong and wanna live my life. Therefor this blog will no longer be updated. Instead I will do my best to be a better blogger at: www.lilysofia.blogg.se
Fall back, spring forward
Jenny and I managed to squeeze in a night when we made dinner for the boys. Pork tenderloin with roasted potatoes and veggies in the oven was on the menu. Of course we also did a dessert that consisted of panna cotta with raspberries. The food was a success and we all had a great night.
Femme Fatale
October started with a Britney Spears concert at Malmö arena. It was me, Christian, his sister with boyfriend and a few of their friends. We had the luxury of getting a loge where we had a great view and easy access to the bar. It was definitely an experience and even tho the whole concert was playback it was so much fun to see her perform.
For the past two weeks we had a competition at work. The goal is to enroll as many people as possible to start using self-scanning. No results yet but I’m happy with my accomplishment. Now that the competition is over I’m spending more time at home than at work and I had the time to bake some delicious cookies the other day. The whole apartment smelled like apple cake and vanilla cookies and when Christian walked in the door he was as happy as a child on Christmas morning.
Olivia Lilly
An update has been on my top list of priorities for a while now but I never take the time to turn on my computer and write. I’ll try to make it short tho.
Mid September Christian and I headed over to Copenhagen and the American Embassy to get my divorce papers notarized. It started with tons of traffic on the bridge which led to me being late for my appointment. Nice as they were they still took me in. Of course this didn’t go very smoothly. It cost twice as much as I brought and my bank card does not work out of the country. Thank goodness Christian is smarter than me and brought a card that works and the papers could be signed. So I am now officially divorced and I guess this means I should start using my maiden name again?
September also brought two christenings. First my cute little niece who got the name Olivia Lilly had her christening where me, Christian and Jenny were in charge of the dessert. With a few bumps in the road we managed to make 100 cupcakes that I think everybody enjoyed. A few weeks later our good friends christened their adorable daughter, but this time we simply went as guests.
Don't try to change me
So I’ve kind of been avoiding to write lately for different reasons, Two weeks ago I was back in school sitting in the auditorium listening to a boring lecture and just trying my hardest to be interested. I spent two semesters thinking about dropping out and after a whole summer off I thought I would get the energy back and the interest would grow but the opposite happened. I just couldn’t get the information than my teacher said to sound interesting. After an hour in the classroom I asked my teacher if we could talk, we went outside and the rest of the class got a short recess. I told her I didn’t want to continue and she really wasn’t surprised. I never went back in to the classroom to say goodbye which I feel kind of bad about, I didn’t want to make a big deal over it, everybody knows this has been on my mind for a while and therefore I just needed to leave.
Sure I think I’ll miss things about school and I’ll miss some friends but hey, you can hang out after school, and it´s definitely not a reason to stay in school for another 2 ½ years.
So much more has happened in my life but let’s do the update slowly.
Words can't explain my feelings

Celebrated mom’s birthday last Wednesday and after a great dinner with the whole family me and Christian got in the car and headed for Ullared. Jenny and her boyfriend were already there and as soon as we arrived to the cabin we sat on the patio with some drinks until the night turned in to morning. The guys bought breakfast in the morning and shortly after the shopping begun. The entire day was spent inside the huge store and we all bought stuff you need and even a few things you don’t need. Got back to the cabin and started the BBQ poured up some cold white wine and once again sat out on the patio playing cards and chatting all night long. Before heading back to Malmö on Friday we took one last walk through in the store and filled up every little free space in the cars. Exhausting but really fun mini trip.

Someone like you
Once again time flew by and me as a blogger is slowly drifting into the laziest blogger in cyberspace.
The other day, the 15th to be exact me and Christian had been together for a month! And yes I do think it’s important to do something special that day even if it’s “just a month”. We made a delicious dinner together and had a quiet night at home. As the wonderful boyfriend he is, he got my gorgeous flowers AND a perfume. I know it’s only been a month but I can already feel it in my heart that we have many more to come.
You were always the mysterious one
It’s been 12 days since I wrote last and there is no excuse so I’m not even going to try. Still working as much as I possibly can, seeing Christian when I’m not working and sleeping has become something I do when I have time. Last week I went to my first soccer game with Christian and a few friends from work. MFF was playing at Malmö’s new arena and it was absolutely amazing. 19000 fans rooting for their team and singing songs I think everybody except me knew the lyrics to. The atmosphere was awesome and I will definitely go back if I get a chance.
I spent my one day off last week with my parents. Went car shopping with my mom during the day and spent the late afternoon and evening drinking white wine in the sun and stuffing myself with a delicious dinner my dad prepared.
After work on Friday we tried to sleep early which I think we managed pretty well. The alarm went off at 7am Saturday morning and me, Christian and 19 others got on the highway and headed to Gothenburg. Liseberg was on the schedule for the day and we spend 12 hours running between different rollercoaster’s, eating food and winning huge chocolate bars. Got back home at 1.30am and I think I speak for everybody when I say we were all exhausted.
Your soft hands makes me feel safe
Last night we went to the movies to see Transformers 3. Awesome movie and just like I said about Toy Story all three movies have been great. Thought about it last night and I don’t think I’ve been to the movies in Sweden in like 15 years. I forgot how small the theater is. Like that’s not all, you have to look for a specific seat. Of course someone else sits there and this makes people annoyed. It’s dark and there you stand trying to look at your ticket to make sure you’re in the right row not accusing someone of stealing your seat, once you’ve confirmed that you are in the right place everybody has to start moving around. Wouldn’t it just be easier if you could sit wherever you want? I was very happy that no one brought food inside but to get the big comfy seats that reclines back a bit is definitely something this country should invest in.
It was small and cozy tho and both the company and the movie was awesome.
Had a hard time falling asleep last night and the last time I looked at the clock it was 3:45am. My eyes closed shortly after and it felt like I had just closed them when the alarm rang at 5am and it was time to get up and head to work. Benadryl you’ll be my friend tonight!

Together we can do anything
How someone can be as wonderful as you is something I wonder every day. The way you held me while I was telling you the one thing that scares me the most meant the world to me. The way you listened to me and squeezed my hand when you knew it got hard for me. The fact that you didn’t judge me or look at me any differently is absolutely incomprehensible. A huge weight lifted off my shoulders and the feeling of relief is streaming through my body. Relief and tiredness.
The rain is pouring but the plan for the night was to BBQ and I’m sticking to it.
7 years ago
Don't underestimate me
After work on Friday I headed to Möllan with a few friends. The rain had stopped and we sat outside under the heating lamps enjoying some drinks. Wasn’t really a late night which was nice but still all of Saturday I was tired and my head was pounding. Laid on the couch watching Desperate Housewives pretty much all day before it was time for a new party, this time at Vicky and Stoffer’s house. My head was still killing me and I didn’t stay long. I did get to enjoy a delicious cake tho before I left.
Last night my parents came over for dinner. I felt really homely making dinner AND baking a cake. Drank some wine and while they were here they helped me put up some pictures on the walls, fixing my creaking bathroom door and hanging up a drapery in the hallway. Before the summer is over my plan is to get everything done for the apartment that’s on my “to do” list.
The awesome cake Vicky made
It's not that complicated, I'm just misunderstood
Yesterday it rained pretty much all day and instead of going to the beach, me and Linn decided to take a relaxing day at home watching a movie. After the movie we sat on her balcony with a few beers. It was so nice seeing her and I laughed until my stomach was hurting and the tears were falling down my cheeks. She also taught me a few awesome sentences in sign language which I’m so excited to use.

Love, you got a feeling that you can not hide
I can’t stop smiling when I think of you.
When I see you I get butterflies in my stomach.
My heart beats fast every time you kiss me.
I get tingles through my whole body every time you touch me.
You make me so happy and the summary is simple: I’m in love!
You are my special someone
Mike sent me the last papers yesterday. 25 pages to read with lots of words a barely understand. I spent all day today trying to find a place in Malmö that can do the notary. After I sign I will officially be divorced. Even tho I knew this day was coming and Mike and I are both on the same page about this whole thing it still, somewhere, somehow feels strange. The fact that we both moved on makes everything easier and I couldn’t be happier that we are still friends. He will always be a big part of my life and he will always have a special place in my heart.
There is so much for me over here, I get to spend as much time as I want with my family and friends and I’m getting the education I have been longing for for so long. And right now, my summer break is better than I expected. I’m smiling every day and it’s all because of one special person.
Me and my beautiful niece
I'm proud to be your aunt
I’m as happy as can be right now! My sister had a beautiful baby girl yesterday and of course I headed to the hospital as soon as I could and spent a few hours chatting and cuddling with my new niece. My sister looks great and everything went just perfect. The feeling of holding such a little baby is just amazing!
This week has been pretty stressful, stressful AND secretive. So much to do in just a few days. Woke up this morning at 6am had some coffee before Jenny went to work and now I’m getting myself ready so I can head out for last minute prepping. In a few hours I’m finally going to enjoy the weekend and all it has to offer.
I keep trying to find my way
I’m feeling lost and confused. My eating habits are down to zero and I don’t know what the word sleeping means anymore. Watching the sun go up in the morning is something I do daily and it's starting to become a problem.
Not sure how but I managed to work all weekend. I’m definitely glad me and Jenny had a quiet midsummer at home without alcohol.
This week I am determined to change my lifestyle and get back on right track.
Got home from work last night and these stood outside my door
You're amazing just the way you are
Dyed Jenny’s hair yesterday, had to do it twice to get the color we wanted and still it looked yellow in her roots. Got a suggestion from a friend that using lemons should help bleaching hair and so we walked down to the supermarket. Tried both squeezing the juice in her hair, rubbing the lemon against her skull AND putting her upside down in a bowl of lemon juice to get the best effect. Unfortunately it’s still yellow and she just has to learn how to live with it.
Pizza for dinner and don’t ask me why, but I went to bed a little after 6am!
These foolish games are tearing me apart
Everything was starting to turn to the better and I'm smiling everyday.
Then one little text message and a phone call made me more mad than I’ve been in weeks. Maybe even months.
I really don’t know how to handle certain things but I know one thing, I hate when people lie to both me and themselves.
I love the feeling of being in love
I spent all day today packing, or trying atleast. I really hate packing and even tho it should be easy when all you technically need is a bathing suit, a few shirts and a pair of shorts, I managed to pack 12 pairs of shoes, 20 shirts and so on... Kim came over and helped me sort through my suitcase. Repacked three times before we were under the weight limit and the suitcase could be zipped up.
Instead of counting down the days it's now hours... can't wait..

You made my weekend worth smiling
Got invited to a party on Saturday night where we spent most of the evening outside in the beautiful weather.
Slept at Jenny’s house and once we woke up on Sunday we spent all day outside working on our tan. Bingolotto was on the schedule for Sunday night but this time without winning anything.

Bingo with Tila