Talked to my parents the other day and we got stuck on a subject that we talk about a lot! Differences between Sweden and USA. This is a conversation that could go on forever, but we try to stick to one subject at a time and this time it was Healthcare. Sweden has a great system something that this country is lacking.
A lot of people in Sweden probably don’t realize how good their healthcare system is and how much the government gives and helps you throughout the years. We counted on how much I pay in health insurance every year and it made me sick. I understand that Sweden has less people and is a smaller country and therefore can have a plan that might not work in a country with 308,898,000 people but the system here really sucks.
Every city, state and country has plus and minuses about themselves and there will always be something’s you think is better somewhere else. That’s why there is a saying that goes: The grass is greener on the other side. This is something we all learn to live with and after a while we don’t even think about it anymore, but when it comes to your health I can’t stop thinking about it. Getting healthcare and medical attention even if you don’t have money or insurance should never be questioned or denied. Well, over here it is.
Sometimes you don’t realize how good you have it until you live somewhere else.