News 12
Met my friend Christina at Starbucks this afternoon. I was 10 minutes late (on purpose) and when I walked in she was already sitting down playing with her fancy IPad while her kids were eating cheesy chips and pound cake. I got my coffee and shortly after that we left Starbucks for some shopping. Bought a pair of workout pants at Annie Sez and as we walked out the doors we saw News12 pass by. My first reaction was to hide in the store until they were long gone but Christina pushed her double stroller out the door and was of course asked for an interview. The question was something about Rottweiler fights and what her input was on the subject. I stayed behind the camera guy not willing to risk being seen in TV.
Since we don’t have cablevision we don’t get the channel that shows News12 but I’m hoping that I can look it up at work tomorrow.
I’m trying out my new workout pants tonight while shaking my butt in Zumba.