I booked my ticket and on August 18th I will set foot on an airplane that is taking me back to my hometown. After 6 years in New York it is time to go back home for a while. I’m excited to start studying and even more excited that Mike has decided to come and try Sweden with me, but the first 6 months I will be on my own. So many people I want to see and so much to do, the countdown has begun.
Last night, after a trip to the mall where I became two pairs of shoes richer and after a delicious dinner at California Pizza Kitchen, we started packing and sorting through everything we own. We should have started earlier, I think we found stuff we haven’t seen in a few years and we found hiding places that held little treasures that has done nothing but collecting dust over the years.
Today the packing continues. 24 days left.
Good for you! Och kul att han kommer sen ocksâ. Fâr se om Christophe fâ försmak för Sverige när han hälsar pâ nu i augusti. Kanske kommer han ocksâ sen, haha!
Vad ska Mike göra i Sverige? Och vad ska du plugga?
Det känns spännande att börja plugga och även om det blir svârt till en början sâ tror jag att det kommer gâ bra. Jag slipper iafl hans snarkningar! :-P