It’s snowing, AGAIN! I wish this winter would be over already. I’m tired of spending every morning cleaning my car, having dry skin and dressing in layers and layers of clothes. I want to open my windows and hear the birds sing, walk barefoot on the soft green grass and feel the sun slowly making my skin tan. I know I’m not the only one longing for spring to come, at this time of year most people are.
February might be the shortest month of the year but it sure feels like the longest.
Babysat for my old family for a few hours today, played Monopoly pretty much the whole time, love that game. It was as hard as always to leave, especially when all three kids hung on to my legs for dear life asking if this is the last time they will ever see me. It will never be the last time, but trying to explain that to three kids under the age of 7 is not the easiest thing.
Mikael Wiehe - Flickan och Kråkan