Usually in a relationship or a family you use the same kitchen chair every night, drive the same car every day, sit on the same spot on the couch and sleep on the same side of the bed every night. We do this without even thinking. Ever tried to change it? Well yesterday we did. I slept on my husband’s side of the bed and he slept on mine. It really makes a huge difference. When I woke up I was facing a wall I never see from my side of the bed and I felt disoriented. I want my side back!
New York got hit by yet another snowstorm and everything as far as I can see is white. Dressed like a Spice Girl, Mike’s description of me this morning, I went out and cleaned of the cars. Not really sure which Spice Girl he was referring to, but I’m guessing Sporty Spice since he a few minutes earlier said I looked like an Olympic Snowboarder? Who cares what you look like? I stayed warm AND dry.
Helping a friend move this weekend. Far move, they are moving from an upstairs apartment, to the apartment right underneath. A perfect move for a snowy weekend.