After 2 months of searching for all the pop tart flavors out there our list was finally completed. 22 flavors were purchased and the party could begin. We froze a few and toasted the others and the tasting was on. I found two new flavors that I liked, Blueberry Muffin and Banana Split, but still the number one according to me is Brown Sugar Cinnamon. Mixing all these pop tarts with some white wine and three hours later we were all feeling sick. I definitely think I will be happy without pop tarts for a while.
Today I went to Jaclyn’s baby shower number 2. Italian food, lots of wine, baby games and a whole lot of presents and Sunday is now heading towards its end. Hopefully next week has some sunshine to offer which I have been missing the last few days.
Goodnight and so long.
wow =)
Och vad är Poptarts egentligen? Är det typ en kaka? Eller mer som bröd med fyllning? Du får nog ta och köpa med dig några smaker när du kommer hem. =)
Svårt att förklara vad det är, det är som en kaka med fyllning. Man värmer upp dom i rosten och sen äter till frukost/snack. Jag köper absolut med mig några hem :)
Aha... =) Ja, köp de godaste sorterna så betalar jag sen!