Excessively large animal
The other night I got this throbbing feeling in my right arm and it was going numb. Mike was already sleeping but since I’m a hypochondriac I woke him up asking what it could be. My mistake for just saying arm and not which one he said, "If it’s your left one it’s a sign of a heart attack". I told him it was my right arm and he then went on and told me that then there is nothing to worry about and I should just try to sleep. Well that answer wasn’t good enough for me and I decided to Google my symptoms. The first thing that came up was Wiki Answers and as I started reading I couldn’t stop laughing. This is what it said.
What are possible causes of pain and throbbing in your right arm and wrist?
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- A bad sprain
- Arthritis
- Your arm was run over by a Sherman tank
- You were shot in the arm
- You have an excessively large animal chewing on your arm
Knowing that none of the above happened to me I calmed down and I could fall asleep. The next morning my arm was back to feeling normal.
Haha, vilken tur att du inte fick en hjärtattack då ;-)
Tack, jag hoppas också jag kryar på mig snabbare än snabbast. Finns inget tråkigare än att vara sjuk :-/
Hoppas du får en trevlig kväll!
Hej hallelulja tur att google finns Kram mamma