Seeing my little munchkins today was awesome. It's funny tho that kids really have no clue about time. They kept saying, "when you were here last year" and "wanna see my new bed" when in reality its only been about a month since a saw them and I helped assemble all of their beds! I guess that's what makes them little and cute :)
The sun is down for the night, my dinner is getting warmed up in the microwave and the city is calling my name. Going to see three local bands tonight on the lower east side. I'm not gonna let my bronchitis stop me from going out and having a good time. It did automatically make me the designated driver tho, but that's okay.
Time to hit the gas station to fill upp the car and start heading in to the city that never sleeps.

Time to hit the gas station to fill upp the car and start heading in to the city that never sleeps.
