Lots of fun stuff
The airplane landed at 10:50pm and by 11:30 they came walking out the doors. That’s the quickest I think I have ever seen anybody get through security AND get their bags.
The roads were empty at that time of the night and we pulled in to our street a little bit after midnight.
Our awesome friends brought us lots and lots of candy, rice to make Risgrynsgröt and cute Swedish clothes. Sat up until 2am chatting before we all closed our eyes and went to lala land.
Tuesday was our first full day together and also a very cold and windy day. For a while I thought I was going to get swept away by the wind. Obviously that didn’t happen. After Starbucks, Tanger Outlet, Century 21, Annie Sez and the supermarket we were hungry and tired. Went home and ordered Asian Food and had a few beers. Shortly after that my bed was calling my name and my eyes closed before my head hit the pillow.