I just want to let go

It's a little too late for you to come back
Say it's just a mistake,
Think I'd forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong

But you’re just a boy
You don’t understand


We took a nice long walk by the water Saturday morning, looking at the sailboats, the bridge and a few people fishing. You get hungry from walking and a pizza in the sun was exactly what our stomachs were asking for.

After a relaxing afternoon the stress hit and we had to prepare for the evenings party. Mowing the lawn, cleaning the house, putting up tables and make ourselves ready all within two hours was definitely a challenge. We made it and the guests started arriving ready to party. The party was a success and I think everybody had fun. The last guests left around 3am and that’s when we realized that we totally forgot to make a bonfire. Oh well, maybe next year.

Black Tower

Its' been a weekend filled with wine and laughter.
Spent Friday afternoon on a sunny balcony with a few friends. Wine was served but since I was the responsible one I stuck to Mer and could therefore drive home. Back at Jenny's house she taught me that after wine comes painting and she pulled out brushes and paint. Painted one wall in her bedroom and then we both realized that it wasn't as fun as we thought and we gave up.
Bored as could be we took her mom's car, which felt like driving a soapbox, and headed back to the sunny balcony. Lots of wine and karaoke at the local bar rounded up this night. We took the last bus home and then had a 40 minutes’ walk home from the bus station.

Side note:
Jenny hasn’t been on a bus in years and walks on and says: Hi, how do I do this?

We started as a duo but turned in to a trio

It’s been one of those days today when all you do is think about stuff you shouldn’t think about. Some things made me put a huge smile on my face and if someone could see me they would wonder what’s wrong with me. Other things made me cringe and feel sad.
My mood is going up and down and I can’t really explain why. I feel like I’ve lost my motivation to everything.

My 21st Birthday

I think about you 24/7

After a pretty good lecture in school this morning my private chauffeur picked me up and we headed to Espresso House. Got our second iced coffee this year and walked down to the canal. As we were sitting there we started talking about who our friends are and who we really hang out with. We came to the conclusion even if we have lots of good friends no one will ever be able to replace the other.

Left the city and drove to the countryside where it smelled like manure both inside and outside. Jenny is pretty used to it but for me it was painful. The plan was to clean her apartment but before we could start we needed energy. Jenny made dinner and after that we started the cleaning. I was in charge of the most disgusting place in a whole house, the bathroom, while she did the dishes and cleaned the rest.

Our company at the canal

You will always be my friend

Got a nice surprise last night when a friend I haven’t talked to in a while wrote to me. We talked for a few hours online and then continued sending text messages back and forth until 2am! I was so exhausted this morning and when the alarm rang I clicked it several times. Of course this made me late and I had to rush this morning to catch the bus and get to school in time.
Met up with my old teacher for a quick run-through of the exam that I unfortunately have to redo. I don’t feel any smarter and I definitely didn’t feel like it was necessary to rush to school for this. I got some other school work done though so the day didn’t feel like a complete waste which was good. 

If anyone deserves to be happy it’s you.
You are a wonderful person from inside and out.
It means a lot to me to be your friend.

Thanks for those words! You made me smile and still do.

Sunburned skin

Finally got to sleep late this morning, so late in fact I woke up feeling a little groggy. Vacuumed and put away all the dishes as soon as I got up and then spent the next hour sitting in my kitchen window feeling the warm sun against my skin.

Did a good deed today and helped Jenny’s grandmother to the supermarket and the post office. I think I’m going to start doing one good thing for someone every day.
They say (who are they btw?) by doing something good to someone else something good will happen to you. Of course that would be nice but it’s not just that, it’s so much more.

Just pay it forward

You're the one that I want

Happy Easter! I’ve been off from school all week and I have enjoyed every second of it. Yesterday after work I headed straight to my parents house for a BBQ. Once I got home I passed out on the couch, something I think my body has been longing for. The Easter bunny didn’t find his way to my house, its okay though; I really don’t ever eat candy anymore and don’t even have the urge for it.

It was my cute little nephew’s birthday today and I got to celebrate with him for the first time. BBQ once again and the whole day was spent outside. I even got to see my brother who I haven’t seen in a long time.

After the party me and Jenny went back to my house grabbed a blanket, plastic cups and a bottle of wine. Walked down to the park across the street where we spread the blanket and just relaxed for a few hours. I am now so tired my eyes are going in two different directions. Time to sleep.


The first thing I saw on my phone this morning was a text message from my dear sister saying "awake?" This was at 8am! I called her and she told me a whole story about some cake and a missunderstanding on what day it was and so on. The conversation ended with me being in charge of baking a cake for a party she was going to tonight. Well it wasn´t just a cake, it was a cake for 40 people!!! Of course I called my other half Jenny and by 10 am I was at Jennys house and the planning begun.

Coffee and google helped us make the decision on two cheesecakes and one cream cake. When all was said and done we went to three different stores for ingredients and started the baking. It took us nearly four hours but the result was awesome!
Maybe this is our next calling? Being personal bakers :)

Little Saturday

Wednesday is known as “little Saturday” and of course you have to make the day worth it’s name. The sun was shining once again, and like all other crazy people me, Jenny and her friend Jimmie made our way in to the city to sit by the canal with our sunglasses and an iced coffee just to do some people watching.

Lilla Torg was the plan for lunch/dinner with Jenny and Pauline and we got a table at TGIF around 4. A few other friends popped in during the night and after three bottles of wine, some Galliano and a drink or two we headed home around midnight.  

It's right in front of you

Music means extremely much to me and whether I’m happy or sad music is something I can always relate to. Listening to love songs on the stereo, random music from the radio or playing something classical on the piano all depends on my mood. Today the choice was old songs on the computer. Since Christmas 2009 I have loved this one particular song but not until today did I really pay attention to the lyrics and I fell for the chorus. You can express so many feelings through music and these few lines describe just how I feel at the moment.

I was hoping we could heal each other
I was hoping we could be raw together
I was hoping we could challenge each other
I was hoping we could crack each other up
I was hoping we could dance together
I was hoping we could be creamy together

Depressing? Yeah maybe a little, but it’s still awesome.

I don't want to be alone

I have a roommate for the next few days and although he is snoring and making a mess he is pretty cute and it’s nice with some company.

Sunny Monday

Monday and the sun has been shining all day. Started the day with breakfast in the park with Jenny then headed straight to the doctor’s office which was a total flop. We may not pay for expensive medical insurance in Sweden but they sure make it complicated to go to the right place and get what you need. Left the doctor’s office pretty upset and headed to school where I spent all afternoon. A coffee in the sun and dinner with a friend ended this day pretty good.

Our new friend

Music from the 90's

After having two weeks of internship in school Friday couldn’t come fast enough. Got home around 7pm, had dinner, took a shower and headed back out for a party night with my classmates. A decent amount of people came and I had a blast. Drinking, dancing and getting to know people I never really talked to before made this Friday a perfect beginning of the weekend. Went to bed around 4am and my eyes opened at 8am Saturday morning feeling like I had slept for a week. I will never understand why that happens to me every time I drink.

The plan for Saturday night was for me and Jenny to have a glass of wine and chit chat, it ended with 10 people drinking vodka and Galliano while listening to music from the 90’s. Went to bed late again and of course I woke up nice and early Sunday morning. Surprise!!

Oh boy do I sound and look like an alcoholic.

Every day is a struggle

Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve


I thought of making a completely new blog but coming up with a new name and a new design seemed too much of a hassle for someone like me.  NewYorkStateOfMind was good while living in New York but at the same time I still have New York close to my heart and who cares about the name anyway.

Since it’s been almost seven months since I wrote last lots has happened.

  • Two semesters of school
  • Bought an apartment
  • Separated from Mike
  • Lost some weight
  • Met a new guy who turned out to be an asshole
  • Booked a trip to Crete with Jenny
  • Lost my job because of bankruptcy

I would say this is a pretty good summary of what my life has looked like for the past seven months. Some good things and some bad, I guess that’s how life is.

New Beginning

Mike convinced me to start blogging again and I think I might take his advice and do it. After all it’s a great way to ventilate your thoughts and feelings plus I get to write in English again. And yes, I will keep writing in English even if I live in Sweden nowadays.


I'm Done

Since school, work and moving are taking over my life, the blog has officially come to an end. As for now I have absolutely no interest in writing and definitely no time. Other stuff in my life has become more important. Who knows, I might start again one day, but as for now this is it!

Restless no more

The wind is picking up here in Sweden and I almost blew away a few times in the last couple of days. I need either the sun and warm weather or my heavy coat that is conveniently hanging in my closet back in New York.

I have ordered books and printed tons of papers that need to be read for school. The week has been filled with classes such as drama, music and art. Considering I am an extremely restless person I never thought I was going to be able to sit through hours of lectures, but with interesting subjects and great lecturer even I managed to sit still.  



The blog has been put on hold since my life has been going faster than I can keep up with. School is in full swing and we got our first project to do. 3 weeks until it has to be done and tons of work to do. Spent pretty much all week doing school stuff, meeting a few friends and sleeping.

Last weekend I celebrated a friend’s 25th Birthday. Party at his house and then some nightclub in Malmö after. Didn’t get home until the sun was up, something I only seem to do while in Sweden. I also went to see a few apartments last weekend, some really nice once and a few not so nice. Didn’t get anything yet so the apartment hunting goes on.

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